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Listening to Your Best Self By Shea Ki Have you ever gotten an idea to do something and knew you just had to do it? Suddenly you know that you won't feel at ease unless you take the risk and step out of your comfort zone. You aren't sure how or when it will get done, but you know you have to go for it. If you don't move on it, that feeling of being so alive and in the flow that sparked up when the idea came into your head vaporizes as life's other demands for your attention take back over. Some call this following your intuition. Others may say it is a higher power or source working through you. I know for sure when I listen to it, I am nudged in a new and often incredible direction. And when I don't let fear, worry, or self-doubt follow too closely along with me on the path, I find the rewards of personal growth, career satisfaction, and more genuine connections. A recent example of me embracing this practice of listening to my inner voice led me to something I had not yet done before. I decided to put some heroic teens in the hot seat so I could hear more about and share their inspiring stories. After interviewing four of the top teens in the news, I wrote the piece for Best Self, a digital magazine that offers so much inspiration and authenticity it just about jumps out of your iPad, smart phone, or other personal hand-held device. I am inspired so much by these teens that I interviewed and wrote about who did not resist that same tug towards their next best step ahead. Their stories include surviving earthquakes in Nepal, creating peace during the Baltimore riots, and not giving in to society pressures to be someone they are not. None of them knew for sure where their choices were leading them or if they would find more hurt, rejection or danger ahead. Instead of pushing away that nudge from within to rise up, they kept consciously choosing to help make difficult situations better. What do you hear your own inner voice trying to tell you lately? What are you willing to risk to follow it more each day? What are you willing to sacrifice if you don't? Sometimes it's hard to hear that voice because of all the expectations put on us by others. Fears can also leave us stuck at "things are okay". You deserve more than just okay. You have talents, strengths, and capabilities that are waiting to be discovered by you and that can also be seen as a value by employers that you dream working for. YOUR TURN: What holds you back sometimes from being your best self? Share in the comments below. Most of all, believe in you. I do. Comments are closed.